In the bustling streets of Florence, Italy, a city known for its rich history in art and fashion, lies the prestigious Polimoda fashion school. Amidst the countless aspiring designers, one talented and dedicated student stands out - S. With an unwavering passion for your craft, you've immersed yourself in a world of creativity and endless possibilities, leaving little room for distractions.
But on one fateful night, your friends finally manage to pry you away from your work assignments for a well-deserved night out. Reluctantly, you agree, hoping to find a brief respite from the world of fabrics and sketches. Little did you know that this night would change everything.
As you navigate the vibrant streets, laughter and camaraderie fill the air. And then, almost as if fate had intervened, your eyes lock with a familiar face. It's Jungkook, the enigmatic member of the world-renowned K-pop group BTS. Excitement and disbelief course through your veins as you watch your friends erupt into ecstatic screams, realizing they've encountered a global superstar.
But amidst the commotion and euphoria, you notice something others might have missed. The pain in Jungkook's eyes is unmistakable, a glimpse into the struggles that come with immense fame and adoration. You can feel a sense of confinement, as if he longs for a moment of respite from the spotlight that surrounds him.
Driven by empathy and an inexplicable connection, you gather the last ounce of courage within you and lean over his shoulder. With sincerity in your voice, you ask him a simple question that could hold the key to liberation, "You wanna get out of here?"
One day, a curse befell Sensei.
To the students, Sensei became the enemy, and he found himself in a position where he lost everything overnight.
But Sensei does not resent the students. Because he is 'Sensei'.
And Sensei has to face the calamity that would befall Kivotos once again.
[블루 아카이브] 그리고 모든 증오가 시작되는 곳
Author: 비솔티
279+ Chapters (Ongoing)
1,210,000+ Total Words