5 parts Ongoing 3000 years ago, the world was forever altered by a cataclysmic event. This unknown phenomenon infused every living human with unique powers called Arcanas, each tied to the fundamental forces of reality. Since then, humanity has adapted to this new reality, with societies and cultures evolving around the mastery of these powers.Most have embraced their Arcanas-wielding powers of creation, destruction, and manipulation.Ren's full abilities remain a mystery,making him an outcast in a society that values more tangible displays of strength.When he keeps having strange dreams,he and his best friend Kai set out to uncover the truth behind that event,and why some people do not have special abilities.How will their actions influence the world, its history or even reality itself?Also follow the story of Naraam the famous 'silver soldier' who was the first man to obtain these supernatural abilities.The past, present and future intertwine in this exciting story.Be a part of the amazing journey