The Heavenly Devils are what the prostitutes are called at Dark Haven. For years its been funded by wealthy patrons, its popularity growing for high class males and females. Prices are high, but it's all worth it for any customer who has chosen their Devil. The most popular and attracitve male prostitute, Steya, has lived in this secret world all his life. Forced into selling his body at a young age, he has lost all personal attachment to everything and everyone. Living life as a hollow shell and making his body do what comes naturally during intercourse. When new servent boy Nai Sukiyami, starts to work there he is, like everyone else, immediately drawn to the handsome beauty. Having just a troubling a past, Nai tries to befriend the beautiful prostitute and soon finds himself developing more than just sympathy for him. But can Steya really believe that someone wants him for him and not his body? In a place where only body language speaks, can Nai break through Steya's wall and show him that 'love' is not defined by money?
4 parts