In the summer of 1985, in Hawkins, the newly opened Starcourt Mall has become the center of attention in town, causing other stores to close their business due to its popularity. Jim Hopper disapproves of Mike Wheeler's relationship with his daughter Eleven, prompting him to intervene in their relationship, and leading to Eleven's friendship with Max Mayfield. Still recovering from Bob Newby's death, Joyce Byers considers moving out of Hawkins with her children. However, magnetic disruptions lead her to believe that the Upside Down has returned, so she enlists Hopper's help in uncovering the truth. While Mike and Lucas Sinclair attempt to repair his relationship with Eleven, Will Byers begins experiencing premonitions from the Upside Down, despite Eleven's closing of the original gate that led to his disappearance. He believes the Mind Flayer is still alive and back in Hawkins. As Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers investigate the effects of the Mind Flayer's influence, Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington, newcomer Robin Buckley, and Erica Sinclair begin investigating a potential Russian infiltration of Hawkins. Meanwhile, Max's stepbrother Billy Hargrove is taken over by the Mind Flayer, forced to possess other citizens of Hawkins to fulfill the Mind Flayer's new plan. Bianca and her friends have no choice but to battle Billy, the other possessed victims, and destroy the Mind Flayer in its new and terrifying form, once and for all.
Being from the void takes interest in a human already at the end of his rope. Its unbearably heavy affection makes a miserable life that much more difficult.
A realistic take on an unwanted, daunting attention from a creature of different logic. It's not rosy, it won't be smooth, and there are no instantaneous feelings. As such, the story is barely even a romance - there's struggle, ambiguity and things going from bad to worse on an express train. All that said, there will be semblance of a happy ending.
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