This might be my last report of this study. This is a valley of mystic twilight, of science and of lining law and inclining ineffable incantation to write true, all the pursuits thereof. This Night If this is the first of my work for you, it is now yours, the night is yours. Nice to meet you, by the way. I am Doctor Ursa: of Magic, Apocrypha and Science. Or 'Dumas', for short, as a friend would call me (as I hope you are). I strongly discourage the discovery you are hoping to find- in this diaspora at least- of Alchemia and magical mischief. As I'm sure you have read by now the title thereof this -hopefully never, or if only under extreme and dynamic duress- published work. My one mistake, I fear certain, was not penning the title and decree as.. 'I.t.' (It's Trouble) For that, my dear or darling, 'it' is. Duras last entry. << Duras.loggout << Duras.alt.command: == @event DURAS_LOGGOFF set event == Darkness <<override Duras files && all Crimson Cade files to VOID && set all Users to = N.Name <<SYSTEM.ERROR>> <<DELETION OF ALL ACTIVE CRIMSON CADE MEMBERS DATA SETS WILL CAUSE SUBROUTINE:: CRIMSON GRAVE <<founding member writ active.. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE UNDONE>> << MAGIC Detected>> .. .. .. Welcome, Duras SMG: current status of Crimson Cade member Doctor UrsaS Spouse is MIA and Presumed DARK <<note.reminders.popup<< DEAR CADE FOUNDING MEMBERS AND COMPUTER GENIUSES, to remind the User that DARK is unrecoverable in the system and in Kaval is a fate worse than DEAD, Please honor the missing and dearly departed with more accurate terms, signed OGMA cOMPUTER logged off oGMA... ... ... ... << AI is asking OGMA if he wants to log off the station and have changes saved >> ... ... <AI Reports OGMA probably LEFT his station... <<system.output: Logging OGMA off and saving changes>> :END OF SMG <<set DURAS status = DARK <<create_private_SMG: *** DURAS encrypt.prvt-sec-mss complete && sent new public SMG: 'the Stars hAVE fallen darkness coMing 3'All Rights Reserved
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