It is a story to tell- a beautifully painful one. Of the times when love between them was forbidden, they had hate. A broken bridge of despise connecting them and whether it be of hate, hurt or anything else- they were together.
"People always portrayed them against each other, on the newspapers, posters- everywhere. But what they missed out was that not one of the two was ever remembered without mentioning the other. There was no Jude Holloway without Nikolai Vorontsov and there would never ever be any Nikolai Vorontsov without Jude Holloway."
Academically passionate, an ace, ambitious- Jude Holloway, is someone to look up to. With her short hair and high heels that trample the people she hates, nothing seems impossible for her to achieve or control. Except- him.
Perfect, a prodigy, powerful- Nikolai Vorontsov, is someone to not mess with. With his piercing glare and notorious attitude, he has had everybody on his feet in his entire lifetime. Except- her.
When screaming and plotting against one other in school turns to glaring at each other from across the hall in General Assembly of all countries, the long forgotten hate resurfaces turning into something stronger- that they choose to label as loathe. Competitions of school science fair switches to dangerous innovations to quench the thirst for power and politics as they are put against one another for one last time. And no matter what they try- loathe was not the emotion they had for one another.
"If someday you get a chance to choose me? Will- will you choose me?" Her own heart quivered, the question not only to him, but for herself as well.
"Yes." The man came and stood besides her.
"You will die Nikolai."
"It is only after death will I ever get a chance to choose you, Jude. Not in this lifetime though. We are not even allowed to dream of that choice."
It was the bitter truth he let out of his chest as he heard the woman take in a deep breath to bury the truth in her heart.
Rosie is meant to hate famous rockstar Will O'Connor, who killed her father in a car crash, but she finds herself falling in love instead.
Rock sensation, Will O'Connor is in the prime of his career when he unintentionally kills a man in a car accident. Full of remorse, he must come to terms with his non-guilty verdict. People-pleasing Rosie Montgomery dedicates her life to making others happy. Following her father's death in Will's crash, she becomes desperate to keep her family intact. But when Will and Rosie accidentally meet at her father's grave, there's an undeniable bond. Can they ignore the rest of the world and go after what their hearts most desire? And most importantly - can either of them handle the consequences?
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