Tujuh bulan semenjak kehilangan orangtua, pekerjaan pertama, dan mengalami kelumpuhan akibat kecelakaan, saya memutuskan mengasing di vila keluarga. Di sini, saya menyepi, mengurung diri sembari mencoba mengumpulkan keberanian untuk melihat hari-hari yang kembali datang dengan kenyataan masam, penuh penyangkalan. Hari-hari yang saya rasa hanya akan berkisar pada putaran waktu yang terasa lambat dan hal-hal yang tidak sederhana.
Untuk kesekian kali, saya menemui diri yang belum piawai berduka, tidak paham apa itu menerima. Satu-satu, saya juga tengah berusaha menghimpun kebahagian yang masih tersisa. Namun sayangnya, tidak ada. Dan akhirnya, sekali lagi, ingin saya bertanya padamu. Tolong, beritahu saya bagaimana caranya mencintai diri ini lagi seperti sedia kala.
Shawn has given up on love. The one person he ever loved fell in love with someone else. When the two of them went off to live their lives together after graduating high school, Shawn's life just became worse. With a terrible part-time job at a fast food restaurant he has to keep to help pay his father's bills and a girlfriend that he only tolerates, Shawn feels that fate has never been on his side and he has finally given up hope that he's ever going to have a happy life.
Andy was dealt a bad hand since he was a child, but he never let that get to him. Confined to a wheelchair, he manages the best he can through his busy college schedule, with the help of his best friend. The creative, absent-minded paraplegic has accepted his relatively lonely life, believing nobody could love someone like himself. But that doesn't stop him from looking when he can.
This is the third book of the Fate series. It's not necessary to read the first two before this book, only recommended!