The story follows Wei Ying, a high school student who forms a close friendship with Lan Zhan, Jiang Xu, Wen Qing, Jin Fei, and Lan Xichen. Despite her secret feelings for Lan Zhan, Wei Ying chooses to keep them hidden to protect their friendship.
During their last year of high school, Wei Ying's unresolved emotions become more challenging to manage. However, during a celebration at her parents' mansion, in honor of their wedding anniversary, unexpected moments and teasing from their friends lead to a heartfelt confession. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan realize their mutual feelings, and their friendship blossoms into a beautiful romance.
16 yo Lan zhan is engaged to his childhood friend Lan Yi and there comes Wei wuxian for his studies to Cloud recesses with his siblings. Wei ying feels an unstoppable pull towards Lan zhan however he does not dare to show his sparkling feelings since the other is engaged and seems to be content with Lan Yi. On the other hand Lan zhan sees Wei ying as a trouble maker and never fails to show his disliking towards him. When will these two hearts realize that they belong to each other?
Start date- 12Aug2021
End date-18Jun2022
#1 Theuntamed -07Oct2021
#1 Longings - 22Nov2021
#1 mdzs - 02Apr2022
#3 Angstwithhappyending-05Oct2021
#4 bl - 23May2022
10k reads-22Nov2021
50k reads-04May2022
100k reads- 11Sep2022
150k reads- 14Jan2023
Hello Everyone
This is my first story and I completely own this work. Constructive comments are welcome. I started this to keep myself sane after going crazy watching the untamed series #Wangxian forever #Yibo #xiaozhan