The story begins with Erika Warrior, a teenage girl who has been sent to Jorvik by her busy father. Erika is a loner at heart and almost prefers it, which is why she's been sent to spend the summer at Jarlaheim. During Erika's stay in Jarlaheim, she volunteers at Jorvik Stables for the summer where she'll work with the horses; a dream come true for many teenagers, but not for a girl who's spent her entire life in a urban city and constant adventures. Then one night, Erika had met a wild horse in Greendale. Together Geist and Erika get to know each other. She decides to adopt and tame her. But everything changes when she had volunteers to the Jorvik Rangers on the initial voyage quest into southern Wildwoods. The nature of Wildwoods is a secret that few people know. It is a place of magic, mystery, and for Erika, intrigue, danger, and adventure. (Don't worry, I'm writing for fun).
13 parts