"Justice Unveiled: Tales from the Legal Abyss" is a gripping and thought-provoking legal anthology that ventures into the depths of the legal world, unraveling intricate tales of truth, justice, and the human condition. Within its pages, readers will encounter a series of compelling and diverse stories, each showcasing the complexities and moral dilemmas faced by legal professionals and those entangled in the judicial system.
In this anthology, a mosaic of characters comes to life, including determined attorneys, relentless investigators, impartial judges, accused individuals, and victims seeking closure. From the haunting corridors of a criminal courthouse to the hallowed halls of a prestigious law firm, the anthology offers a glimpse into the multifaceted facets of the legal arena.
"Justice Unveiled: Tales from the Legal Abyss" is not just a collection of legal stories; it is an exploration of the human experience at the intersection of law and society. With each story, readers are invited to reflect on the profound implications of the legal system on individuals and communities, leaving them both captivated and contemplative long after they have turned the final page.
A criminal mastermind makes a bold move against a wealthy client to put himself in a position to retire in comfort. He has no idea what he's up against when a young widow, desperate to make ends meet, sets her eyes on earning the bounty set on his head.
Newly widowed housewife Melody Scott needs to earn some major cash, fast. When her bright and busy children learn that a priceless ruby bracelet has been stolen and a six-figure reward is being offered, they convince her to try to do what the police, museum security, and the best private investigators have failed to do. Working against them is a notorious thief who has met people from around the world, but who has never once encountered a woman like Melody Scott. When the sweet innocence of the Scott family clashes against criminal forces more dangerous than they ever imagined, Melody is all too aware that a mom's got to do what a mom's got to do to protect her family.
The Widow, Melody Scott is a 2021 Watty Award Winner!
Content Warning: This story does contain depictions of stalking behavior.