"To you who feels anxious, lost, and uncertain, may you find that glimmer of light."
There are moments when we are surrounded by too much darkness, overpowered by unhealthy thoughts, and fearful of the unknown. We feel like drowning in the weight of our thoughts and emotions that we cannot fully understand.
Glimmer of Light is a collection of prose and poems written by Vea Mari Villasol Canare. It's true when they say that one's thoughts are the loudest when she's silent. She found comfort in writing, but she never found solace in sharing it with others. She feels like losing a piece of her when she lets other people into her realm. But she then thought, if her learnings, realizations, and stories can inspire and help other people to see hope and light once again, then it's all worth it.
A glimmer of light is a twinkle, a gleam, or a bit of light. When we are stuck in the dark, trapped in our minds, and lost in the wilderness of our emotions, it may be difficult to find our purpose. But if we try to look at things in a different perspective, to go back to our core, to remain faithful, to find that glimmer of light... then, we can keep going.
She is an outcast. She finds it easier to express what she feels in the form of writing. Whether it is poems, letters or long texts. These are poems that she writes trying to describe how it feels to live with certain mental health issues, in a world that disregards outcasts. So, these are on the darker side of the spectrum. Some poems might be distressing for some readers.
I personally enjoy consuming dark content, it's kinda like a coping mechanism.
I really hope none of you relate with any of these :)
I'll be posting only poems here, I'll try to be as active as I can.
The poems are not in any order. They are just the thoughts that pop up any time of the day.
(8.11.2023) PS: Please check out 'safe space'. I need your help to make it a real safe space, readers!
#1 shortpoem
#1 distressing
#1 poetry (17.1.2024)
#1 poem (24.1.2024)