Harrington Heritage
  • Reads 2,966
  • Votes 22
  • Parts 10
  • Time 2h 54m
  • Reads 2,966
  • Votes 22
  • Parts 10
  • Time 2h 54m
Complete, First published Jul 24, 2023
A Stranger Things Fan Fiction. What happens when Steve Harrington's little sister was caught in some very messed up shit, when one of her friends, Will Byers goes missing. Caytlinn "Cay" Harrington, along with Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, and Lucas Sinclair, try to locate their friend when they stumble upon a superpowered girl. 

However, when it comes to Steve's babysitting skills, it changes, when Caytlinn knocks some sense into him. Some actual sense that makes him realize what a real big brother is.

Seasons 1 - 4 Complete

I don't own any of the characters from Stranger Things, only Caytlinn Harrington, and my other characters which come in later. All rights go to The Duffer Brothers.
All Rights Reserved
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Always The Babysitter; A Stranger Things Rewrite by harringtonstilinski
34 parts Ongoing Mature
Steve Harrington and Olivia Henderson have been the best of friends since they could remember. It was a coincidence, really. They got put in the same first grade class. As time went on, they were practically joined at the hip!.. until they turned 12, and Olivia started babysitting her little brother, Dustin, and his best friends, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers and Lucas Sinclair. A crush on Steve developed for Olivia when they entered the 7th Grade at Hawkins Middle School. Olivia changed a little in high school. Her clothing got a little darker; black shirts and black Chuck Taylor's. She still wore her denim; she couldn't shy away from it, but she added more than just blue denim jeans. Skirts and shorts were added to her wardrobe. Steve became popular in High School and was dubbed the King of Hawkins High after the previous King graduated. Steve felt he had to live up to the expectations of being King, but that didn't really stop Olivia from hanging out with him when he wasn't around Tommy H. and Carol. Things started to change when he became attracted to Nancy Wheeler, Mike's older sister. He started ditched Olivia more for Nancy, and she understood, but didn't like it. The night Will Byers went missing, it put a few things into perspective for Olivia, like her protectiveness for Dustin grew, as well as her friendship with Will's older brother, Jonathan. Dustin, of course, dragged his sister into the craziness of Eleven, a mysterious girl with superpowers that showed up out of nowhere. Will Olivia eventually tell Steve about her feelings for him during their Upside Down adventures, or will she continue to keep it a secret?
š–š”ššš­šžšÆšžš« š”ššš©š©šžš§š¬ | šš‚šššš›ššŠšš—ššššŽšš› šššš‘šš’šš—ššššœ ššœšŸŗ ššœšššš˜šš›šš¢ by TheLostGuitarPick
5 parts Ongoing Mature
šŒššš«šœš” šŸšŸ—šŸ–šŸ” š‹š¢š„š² š‡ššš«š«š¢š§š š­šØš§, Steve Harrington's younger sister is now a senior at Hawkins high. As everyone expects her to follow her brother's path, she does everything she can to not only be seen as 'King Steve's little sister'. On the day Spring Break started, a student got murdered at trailer park. Steve now wants his little sister to be home early every night so that nothing bad can happen to her. Lily always blamed her brother for being overprotective but wasn't he right on that one ? Steve thought the whole Upside Down situation could be forever kept away from his little sister until one night, the night that changed Lily's life forever. ā•Œā•Œ āœ§ ā•Œā•Œ āœ§ ā•Œā•Œ āœ§ ā•Œā•Œ āœ§ ā•Œā•Œ āœ§ ā•Œā•Œ āœ§ This story will mainly follow Stranger Things s4's plot and timeline. āœ§ Stranger Things owns all of their plots and characters except for my OC, Lily Harrington and the plots I will add. 怖 Stranger Things s4 x OC 怗 (Cover by me)
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To Love a Boy ā˜† S. Harrington by bealuved
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š“†‰ ā‹†.Ėšš“‡¼ ā‹†.Ėšš“†Ÿ į¶¦ Ź·įµƒāæįµ— įµ—įµ’ Ė”įµ’įµ›įµ‰ įµƒ įµ‡įµ’Źø, įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ź·įµƒŹø į“µ Ė”įµ’įµ›įµ‰ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ’į¶œįµ‰įµƒāæ ąæ ąæ”*:ļ½„ļ¾Ÿ į“¹įµƒįµāæįµ’Ė”ā±įµƒ į““įµ‰āæįµˆįµ‰Ź³Ė¢įµ’āæ įµˆā±įµˆāæ'įµ— Ź°įµƒįµ›įµ‰ įµƒ Ė”įµ’įµ— įµįµ’ā±āæįµ į¶ įµ’Ź³ Ź°įµ‰Ź³. Ė¢Ź°įµ‰ Ź·įµƒĖ¢āæ'įµ— įµįµ’įµ’įµˆ ā±āæ Ė¢į¶œŹ°įµ’įµ’Ė”, Ė¢Ź°įµ‰ Ź·įµƒĖ¢āæ'įµ— įµƒ įµįµ’įµ’įµˆ įµˆįµƒįµ˜įµŹ°įµ—įµ‰Ź³, įµƒāæįµˆ Ė¢Ź°įµ‰ Ź·įµƒĖ¢āæ'įµ— Ź³įµ‰įµƒĖ”Ė”Źø įµƒ įµįµ’įµ’įµˆ įµ–įµ‰Ź³Ė¢įµ’āæ. į“¬āæįµˆ Ź·Ź°įµƒįµ— įµˆįµ’įµ‰Ė¢ įµƒ įµ–įµƒŹ³įµ‰āæįµ— įµˆįµ’ įµ—įµ’ įµƒ įµ—įµ‰įµ‰āæįµƒįµįµ‰ įµā±Ź³Ė” Ź·Ź°įµ‰āæ Ė¢Ź°įµ‰ į¶ įµ‰įµ‰Ė”Ė¢ Ė”ā±įµįµ‰ Ė¢Ź°įµ‰'Ė¢ Ė”įµ’Ė¢įµ— įµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³Źøįµ—Ź°ā±āæįµ? Ź°įµ‰ Ė¢įµ‰āæįµˆĖ¢ Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµ—įµ’ į““įµƒŹ·įµā±āæĖ¢, į“µāæįµˆā±įµƒāæįµƒ, įµ—įµ’ Ź³įµ‰ā±āæįµ›įµ‰āæįµ— Ź°įµ‰Ź³Ė¢įµ‰Ė”į¶ ... į“³įµ˜įµ‰Ė¢Ė¢ Ź°įµ‰Ź³ į¶ įµƒįµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³ į¶ įµ’Ź³įµįµ’įµ— įµ—įµ’ įµ—įµƒįµįµ‰ ā±āæįµ—įµ’ įµƒį¶œį¶œįµ’įµ˜āæįµ— įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ’įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµˆā±įµįµ‰āæĖ¢ā±įµ’āæ įµƒāæįµˆ Ė¢įµ‰Ė”į¶ ā±Ė¢Ź° įµƒĖ¢Ė¢Ź°įµ’Ė”įµ‰Ė¢. sį“›į“‡į“ į“‡ Źœį“€Ź€Ź€ÉŖÉ“É¢į“›į“É“ x į“į“„ ąæ ąæ”*:ļ½„ļ¾Ÿ š“†‰ ā‹†.Ėšš“‡¼ ā‹†.Ėšš“†Ÿ į“¬įµˆįµˆā±įµ—ā±įµ’āæįµƒĖ” į“µāæį¶ įµ’! ą¼„ Ė¢įµ—įµƒŹ³įµ—įµ‰įµˆ ā» ā¹/āµ/Ā²ā°Ā²ā“ ą¼„ įµ‰āæįµˆįµ‰įµˆ ā» įµ—įµˆįµ‡ ą¼„ Ė¢įµ‰įµƒĖ¢įµ’āæ ā» Ā¹ - āœ“ ą¼„ Ė¢įµ‰įµƒĖ¢įµ’āæ ā» Ā² - āœ“ ą¼„ Ė¢įµ‰įµƒĖ¢įµ’āæ ā» Ā³ - šŸ–‹ (Hiatus) ā‹†.Ėšš“‡¼ I do not own any of the rights to Stranger Things; all credit goes to the Duffer Brothers and Netflix!! The only characters I own are my own! š“‡¼Ėš. ā‹†
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Always The Babysitter; A Stranger Things Rewrite

34 parts Ongoing Mature

Steve Harrington and Olivia Henderson have been the best of friends since they could remember. It was a coincidence, really. They got put in the same first grade class. As time went on, they were practically joined at the hip!.. until they turned 12, and Olivia started babysitting her little brother, Dustin, and his best friends, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers and Lucas Sinclair. A crush on Steve developed for Olivia when they entered the 7th Grade at Hawkins Middle School. Olivia changed a little in high school. Her clothing got a little darker; black shirts and black Chuck Taylor's. She still wore her denim; she couldn't shy away from it, but she added more than just blue denim jeans. Skirts and shorts were added to her wardrobe. Steve became popular in High School and was dubbed the King of Hawkins High after the previous King graduated. Steve felt he had to live up to the expectations of being King, but that didn't really stop Olivia from hanging out with him when he wasn't around Tommy H. and Carol. Things started to change when he became attracted to Nancy Wheeler, Mike's older sister. He started ditched Olivia more for Nancy, and she understood, but didn't like it. The night Will Byers went missing, it put a few things into perspective for Olivia, like her protectiveness for Dustin grew, as well as her friendship with Will's older brother, Jonathan. Dustin, of course, dragged his sister into the craziness of Eleven, a mysterious girl with superpowers that showed up out of nowhere. Will Olivia eventually tell Steve about her feelings for him during their Upside Down adventures, or will she continue to keep it a secret?