In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, 24-year-old single mom Momoko leads a challenging life, working full-time at an upscale restaurant & lounge while her 6-year-old son, Kenji, lives with her grandmother in rural Tokyo for a better education. Their separation during weekdays tugs at Momoko's heart, making their weekends together all the more precious. However, she harbors a secret that weighs heavily on her conscience - the identity of Kenji's father remains locked away, and she feels terrible about keeping it hidden.
She dreams of opening her own bakery in the future, and it's one of the only reasons ( besides Kenji) that Momoko puts up with her struggles at work due to competitive pay and oftentimes sleazy clientele. She remains determined to save for a future at the prestigious Japan Culinary Institute (JCI).
Amid the monotony, fate takes an unexpected turn when she reunites with Kenji's father, igniting a whirlwind of emotions. Their reunion brings new challenges, forcing Momoko to navigate the delicate balance between motherhood, her aspirations, and the guilt she bears for keeping the truth from both Kenji and his father.
As the vibrant city of Tokyo swirls around her, Momoko faces a pivotal moment in her life. Can she find the strength to share the truth about Kenji's father and seek forgiveness? Will she conquer the repressed feelings for her ex-lover that resurface with his unexpected return? And amidst it all, will her beloved grandmother, stand by her side, or will shame cloud their bond? The answers to these questions will shape Momoko's path, revealing the depths of her resilience and the power of love in her journey of self-discovery.