The AIRA Squad is part of the HIACE (High Intelligence Artificial Combat Expeditionary) unit, a special forces squad comprised of A.R.T. (Advanced Robotic Technology) operatives specifically trained for special operations. The AIRA Squad is renowned for never failing a mission. However, during one fateful operation in Tokyo Megacity, the squad faced their real challenge for the first time. Although they ultimately completed the mission, a major incident occurred that led to a massive all out war in Japan. Distrust and fear of the A.R.T.s by the public increased significantly over time after the first A.R.T. war. This event eventually sparked a movement to end all types of artificial life especially the A.R.T.s. How will the AIRA Squad confront the terror and hatred humans now feel toward the A.R.T.s? DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction! All contents in the story were fabricated using the imagination of the author.All Rights Reserved
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