Introducing "The Heroes," an exhilarating tale of music, fame, and camaraderie. Join Jooyeon, a talented 17-year-old guitarist, as he discovers a musical connection with Jake, his neighbor, who plays the keyboard. Together, they form an unbreakable bond and a powerful duo. But their journey doesn't stop there. As fate intervenes, they encounter Ni-ki, a mysterious boy being chased, and their trio forms an unexpected alliance. The trio embarks on a thrilling musical journey, starting from Jooyeon's basement to landing a gig at a party. But the real turning point comes when Sunghoon, a captivating singer, enters the stage and catches Jooyeon's eye. Follow their electrifying journey of friendship, love, and fame as they navigate the challenges of the music industry and discover the true meaning of being heroes. Dive into the world of "The Heroes," where passion, talent, and destiny intertwine, leaving you breathless till the very last note.
34 parts