Sara is a Princess Regent The only difference is that she is not an ordinary person, because she has many archetypes, physiology, abilities, intuitions and powers. The enchanted have taken care of her This happens when the dog is her and Vlad finds her and sleeps with her. Are the enchanted ones able to save her, or is she destined to die and turn into a vampire? I saw the black dog on Prescott Street, sitting in front of the house. I went into the house and found Vlad standing in the hallway, his arms outstretched toward me. I panicked, passed out, and was paralyzed from fear of being discovered. Oh God, I was in the dark about his resuscitation. I was screaming in a cold sweat and still screaming, but I turned my head. I couldn't escape this black, shaggy dog because he was standing in my room and his face was as clear as day. I tried to scream Piper's name, but I was paralyzed with fear because I didn't want her to find out it was because of my physiology. Until all the fear built up that she might find out, I screamed until my throat hurt. I screamed at the top of my lungs and kept screaming Piper's name as this dog came at me. A/N Okay, this is a story based on Charmed and Dracula Untold and the Black Dog myths