Title: A Whole new world (a crossover of Inuyasha and Naruto) Author: Loly_809/Dark_Crisane (Reminder: I don't own any of the pictures/gifs/medias/videos used and that includes the cover *I only edited it*) What If Sesshomaru Had an Older Sister? Meet Syūrei, The Older Sister of Sesshomaru, The older daughter of Inukimi and Ino nu Taisho The Great Dog General and Also an Older sister of Inuyasha. But, though Syūrei was born in a very powerful family and being the oldest among her brothers , Syūrei was not known by most people throughout the Feudal Era. Now...What if Syūrei went back to the world where she once grieved because of her father's death? The place where she lived for Decades leaving the Feudal Era? Come and follow Syūrei as her Journey starts here. (These Fanfic is Rewritten here since i forgot the pass to my other acc..sooo...i decided to make a new one and re-write it here)All Rights Reserved
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