Ce livre est une traduction du livre de Larryruinedme, disponible sur ao3.
Harry Styles est un jeune homme maladroit, portant une couronne de fleurs et ouvertement gay, qui n'a que deux vrais amis, Niall et Zayn. Louis Tomlinson est le capitaine de l'équipe de football de l'école, séduisant et hétérosexuel, avec un petit corps et une forte personnalité. Comme le veut le destin, Harry a un énorme crush, non partagé et sans espoir, sur Louis.
Le destin bascule le jour où Harry et Louis se retrouvent associés pour un projet d'histoire. Harry commence à recevoir des notes d'un admirateur secret, Louis commence à être jaloux de l'amitié naissante de Harry avec Nick Grimshaw, Zayn et Liam développent une attirance l'un pour l'autre, et Niall est le meilleur compagnon que l'on aurait pu espérer. Et soudain, le crush de Harry pour Louis ne semble plus si désespéré.
06-10-2023 ~ 13-01-2024
Every person is assigned a soulmate, except for the few who are unmatchable. The person assigned would be a dominant, master, or whatever they wish to be called.
Louis Tomlinson moved to America when he was eight years old, giving him plenty of time before turning 18 to become accustomed to the lifestyle of BDSM, a major part of society.
Louis knew he was a sub and after many years of research the idea of having a dominant was something he became obsessed with and soon, preparing for his master was a part of everyday life for him.
Until, he is deemed unmatchable and all hopes of finding the loving partner he's been waiting for is out of the picture.
Harry Styles is a songwriter, very much aware of his title as a dominant but unwilling to acknowledge it. He moved to America for the opportunities and found a job at a good label quickly.
After having a rough history, and being forced by his parents, he finally signs up for his submissive.