Embark on a gritty journey through the neon-lit, cybernetic veins of Night City in "The Baldur's Family: Tales from Night City". Inspired by the universe of Cyberpunk 2077, this riveting tale follows Dr. Liana "Lee" Cardoso, an unyielding ripperdoc whose life is transformed by a groundbreaking discovery-the Baldur Chip. Caught in the crossfire of corporate greed, Lee must navigate a dangerous world teetering on the brink of societal revolution. Amidst this chaos, a ragtag alliance arises-the Baldur's Family-an emblem of resistance against the oppressive corporations that rule Night City. Get ready for a captivating journey where hope survives in the heart of dystopia
The intimidating yet Charming Lawyer Siddhant due to some reasons stay as a paying Guest at a house, where he meets Navedita who is Insecure about her weight and worried about her career but there is something...which act as a hindrance and i.e Navedita's Father who is very protective for his daughter and Warns Siddhant to maintain a decent distance with Navedita!!
So how will Loving the Paying Guest be Possible?
This story will feel so real to guys because it will be a stubble romance Book that you will love !
And a Little secret (Whispering)....The story is as hot as the main leadssss 😉
Copyright action's - If My work will be copied by any means or way, there will be strict actions against the person ! So beware and produce story with your own mind, no need to be a cheater ! Sorry for sounding rude but this is my hardwork and I can't let anyone copy it simply.
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#no.8 Rank - Slowburn
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