The Chronicles of Tenrai" is an epic tale set in a mysterious and fantastical world, where two skilled samurai siblings, Hikaru and Akari, find themselves facing an unprecedented challenge. After their town is invaded and defeated by the powerful Oda Clan, the brave siblings decide to stand up against the oppressors, even if it means fighting alone. However, in the midst of their struggle, they are transported to a strange and colorful realm, a world governed by games of chance and skill.
In this enigmatic world, Hikaru and Akari meet Tenshi and Yami, the guardians of the land, who reveal that success can be achieved through various games. The siblings embark on a perilous journey to the Kingdom of Tenrai, where they must rely on each other's strengths and trust in their abilities to overcome challenges. Along the way, they encounter terrifying creatures and uncover the secrets of the kingdom, as well as rediscover memories from their past.
As they navigate through this world where games hold the key to everything, the siblings' bravery and intelligence become crucial in shaping their destiny. Through facing battles and trials, their bond as siblings is tested, and their determination to become true defenders of Tenrai is unwavering.
"The Chronicles of Tenrai" is a gripping and magical story that explores themes of courage, friendship, and the power of determination in the face of adversity. It takes readers on an unforgettable adventure filled with twists, turns, and thrilling encounters, all set in a captivating and imaginative world.
Promise of the Twelve - End of the rebellion as prophecied by the titan goddess, Mnemosyne.
It seems like fighting a titan is not enough. From the ends of the world, our heroes will each have to use their unique abilities to stop the rebellion and prevent Cronus' awakening.
The Alphas are the Omegas.
One by one, they will learn of their destiny. And for them, this is all about what the rebellion will bring to the mortal realms. Their primary mission as children of the Olympians is to protect the world, afterall.
Olympus Academy. The Elysian Oracle. The Prophecies of Rhea. The Promise of Mnemosyne. Alpha Omega.
All these lead to the Rebellion.
But which one is the key?
Or rather...
Who holds it?