In the year 2011, an unfathomable catastrophe strikes Miami, Florida, plunging the city into darkness and chaos. A deadly virus, unleashed by a rogue biotech corporation, spreads like wildfire, turning people into mindless, flesh-craving zombies. As the city becomes a wasteland of fear and death, three individuals-Ryan Torres, a courageous ex-military officer; Jace Burbinham, a resourceful scientist; and Chase Young, a cunning survivalist-find themselves thrown together in the fight for their lives. United by a common desire to survive and protect the ones they love, they embark on a harrowing journey through the ruins of Miami, battling hordes of the undead, uncovering dark secrets, and forging unbreakable bonds. The story unfolds over 20 chapters, as they navigate through the horrors of a crumbling society, facing the relentless onslaught of the undead, and ultimately, confronting the shadowy organization responsible for the outbreak.