Embarking on a new chapter in their history, the United States and its northern neighbor and ally, Canada, face the unthinkable as they are abruptly thrust into the abyss of chaos, as a series of unprecedented events has catapulted the two nations beyond the confines of Earth. As they awaken to the novel realities before them, America and Canada will be compelled to assert themselves, unintentionally altering the balance of a foreign yet strangely familiar world. A world inhabited and ruled by nations and states whose values and destinies sharply contrast with those of the emerging, yet shaken America and Canada.
How will they call this new place... home?
Principal author: Misfit_9
Co-author and editor: @Onedumbgamer
What happens when a famous K-pop idol goes missing? Read to find out!
THIS STORY IS INSPIRED BY AND ALL CREDIT GOES TO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH6A-DGD_Mo