[A fanfiction based on the current Robron affair storyline in Emmerdale. This is set just after Lachlan's sexual abuse of Alicia has been outed] Robert was loving every second. This was exactly what he'd been craving for the last three weeks, just like Aaron. But not the sex. The intimacy. The passion. Aaron had been privately believing from the start that the sex was just sex - dirty, meaningless, gratuitous sex. But it didn't feel that way with Robert, no matter how much he convinced himself otherwise. The way Robert kissed him, The way he touched him, that wasn't someone who didn't feel something back. Something emotional. It hadn't always been like that, but something that had grown over time. Despite what was happening, Aaron couldn't help but wonder whether Robert felt the same. Or at least, felt something other than pure lust. Robert was not at all an open book, and tended to keep his true feelings and opinions close to his heart, but having convinced himself that Chrissie was his one and only true love, his increasingly developing feelings towards the man he knew he shouldn't love starts to become a major problem... NOTE: You probably won't understand this book unless you have been watching the recent episodes of Emmerdale.All Rights Reserved