A loathing for the gods is all but understandable if you were there, the smoke never leaves your lungs is what they say... Well, are there even enough people left to say 'they'? Or would it just be 'he'? As someone who remains cognitive enough to express such thoughts, Aether can never be sure if others survived with their thoughts intact enough to share such a sentiment. Although he personally will never forget the day the sky collapsed upon him, bringing down with it all hopes of a peaceful life with his sister. "The adepti are no different, they decided to sign a contract with Morax and that makes them complete fools in every degree." At least, that's what Aether's travel partner believes. So far he has no solid opinion on these outliers to the already complex Seven, but to be associated with such beings surely indicates that Aether will never get along with the Adepti. So why bother? What in Teyvat would ever force him to commune and spend his time with someone who goes against the very purpose he has come to create in this wretched world of imbalance?All Rights Reserved