Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a student in class D at the Advanced High School, an institution that evaluates its students through special exams that determine their social standing. He is a cold, manipulative and indifferent young man, who hides a dark past: he was raised in the White Room, a place where his father subjected him to rigorous training to make him a perfect human being. His father sent him to school as a test, but doesn't intend to let him off easily.
Kirishima Harumi is a new student in class D, transferred from class A. She is a great beauty, kind, intelligent and cunning, but also a little cold. She has her own reasons for changing classes, which are related to a secret she keeps. She is interested in Ayanokouji, who seems to be different from the other students.
The two meet at school and end up falling in love, despite the differences and obstacles they face. They will have to deal with the diversity and challenges imposed by school, which test their skills and feelings. They will also have to face their own pasts, which could threaten their future. Will they be able to reach class A and experience unexpected love?
"Inside the Mind of the (Idiot) Mastermind!" (Ayanokoji x Horikita)
10 parts Ongoing
10 parts
The White Room was an educational instituition where generations of perfect individuals to lead Japan in the future were created. When this "White Room" was shut down temporarily for an year, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka got a chance to enroll into ANHS - Advanced Nurturing High School to be able to live a (not so) normal and peaceful school life.
Horikita x Ayanokoji