"Earth - Unveiling Earth's Secrets" is an enthralling tale set in the wondrous world of Friton, where elemental cities govern the land. Follow the journey of Kai, a young and adventurous soul, as he embarks on a quest of self-discovery and exploration. Raised as an adopted child in a mysterious village, Kai's life takes an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon an ancient prophecy that sets him on a path to explore the elemental cities.
The story begins with Kai's first destination, Grogon City, the majestic City of Beginning, where the very land was shaped and forged by the power of the earth element. As Kai arrives, he is immediately enchanted by the harmonious blend of earthy hues and lush flora that exude strength and serenity. Along his journey, he meets the unique and rare creature, Ahiru, who becomes his loyal companion.
However, a dark threat looms over Grogon City as Kai discovers the existence of the Ebonclaw Cult, a malevolent faction seeking to harness the earth element for sinister purposes. With the city's harmony at risk, Kai forms strong bonds with allies like Petra, Owen, and Mason-each wielding different elemental powers-to protect the delicate balance of Friton.
As the climactic battle unfolds, Kai leads his allies in a heroic effort to thwart the Ebonclaw Cult and restore peace to Grogon City. The story emphasizes the strength of unity among the elemental cities, showing how diverse powers can come together to preserve harmony and balance in the world.
"Earth - City of Beginning: Where Land is Created" is a tale of bravery, friendship, and the magic of elemental powers. It weaves together themes of unity, harmony, and the pursuit of knowledge, creating a captivating narrative that will appeal to readers of all ages. Join Kai as he ventures forth into the uncharted territories of Friton, unlocking the mysteries of the elemental cities and discovering his true destiny in this enchanting world of magic and wonder.
After hiding her skills for fifteen years, Hua Zhi thought she could live a peaceful life as a proper daughter of a prestigious family. However, when the Hua family's fortune began to decline, she had to reveal her true abilities to support the crumbling household.
It became common for her to step forward and take charge, to gallop on horseback, and even to carry a coffin with her siblings to face desperate situations. Her reputation as someone not to be crossed spread throughout the city of Beijing.
She was prepared for the possibility of her family turning against her, and she was prepared to grow old alone. What she didn't expect was for someone to don armor and pledge a lifetime to her before heading off to battle!
It was quite rare for someone to dare marry her in this world!