The world can be a cold, dark place. But it does not have to be. What if I told you that you are not what and who you really think you are, but perhaps more than what you and everyone else think you are?
Bear with me; allow me to disillusion you on a couple of things, dear friend. You. Yes you. I know you think no one sees what you go through, the scars you bury deep within, the feeling of being underappreciated ( almost invisible even), being hurt and betrayed by those close to you, the vicious rumours they spin about you, sometimes waking up and feeling like the entire world is on your shoulders, being constantly misunderstood and shunned, forever worrying if you will ever be loved and treasured, forever worrying if you are enough...
Remember when I said that the world is a cold, dark place? It does not necessarily have to be . It does not have to be and it will not be , because when you were going through the aforementioned torture, somebody all along was lamenting with you. It is a wonder how this person did not break from seeing you go though all of that. All this person ever wanted was for you to open your heart and receive Him , and he will take it from there.
So, I guess the golden question is: " Do you want to meet Him?
I am me. You are you. People have a nasty habit of labeling and judging others. It's an instinct that everyone has and we do it all the time, without realizing it sometimes. These labels do not define us. Those judgments do not blind us of our true self. We know deep down that we are different but some people hide that. Some people think the only way to fit in is to be someone else. Some people want to change for others. Some people think it's best to hide thief true self from those around them. But you are all special. You don't need to change who you are. You are perfect. But sometimes people don't see that. They need help. So I'm here to try to help. I'm here to help you see how wonderful you are. I want you to be confident. I want you to be you.