"Miss Priestess and Mrs. Malhotra" is an enchanting tale that weaves a beautiful narrative around the lives of two remarkable women, Radhika and Lalita, whose paths intertwine through a journey of love, devotion, and family bonds. Radhika, a dedicated temple priestess with a profound Krishna bhakti, and Lalita, a wise and loving grandmother, share an extraordinary connection that goes beyond the conventional norms of society.
Behind closed doors, hidden from the world's gaze, Radhika and Lalita's friendship blossoms into an unbreakable love as wives. Their enduring love story is further enriched by the presence of their daughter, Parul, and her beloved wife, Kritika, who stand as pillars of support and understanding.
As the story unfolds, the family embraces their true selves, breaking free from societal expectations and celebrating their unique love. Amidst their Krishna bhakti, they find solace, joy, and strength in their love as wives, creating a home filled with warmth, laughter, and unconditional love.
In this heartwarming tale, Arushi, the beloved granddaughter of Lalita and the cherished daughter of Parul and Kritika, becomes an integral part of the family's journey. Growing up surrounded by the love and wisdom of her mothers, grandmother and granny, Arushi learns the values of love, compassion, and acceptance.
The story delicately captures the moments of tenderness, passion, and devotion shared by Radhika and Lalita as they navigate life's challenges and celebrate their spiritual and emotional connection. Their home becomes a sanctuary of love and devotion, where the essence of Krishna's teachings resonates with every heartbeat.
"Miss Priestess and Mrs. Malhotra" is a celebration of family, acceptance, and the power of love to transcend boundaries. It is a tale of love that knows no limitations, where the bonds of love between Radhika, Lalita, Parul, Kritika, and Arushi weave a tapestry of joy, strength, and unity.
You believe in me or not..you can't just ignore me....I walk with you on all your en-devours...some fear me ....some love me....a few challenge me...and the brave fight me....who am I ...your DESTINY
Radhika- Destiny never favored her ....she got what she never desired....and never got what she wanted....her biggest enemy her flawless beauty.....her best friend- bad luck
Arjun-Destiny's favorite child....blessed with all...has a habit of getting what he wanted....stubborn....mad...fearless
Neil; Challenges Destiny every now an then...fights with the odd...walks tall...quite serious and a dedicated man....cares for one...only one
Sam; Loving caring ...a tomboy.. outspoken....can read people by their faces....believes in Destiny..accepts life the way it comes...never backs out..smiles and spread smiles
#9 in General Fiction as on 7th Aug, 2017
#14 in General Fiction as on 11th July, 2017
#18 in General Fiction as on 11th May, 2017