He lost his Parents in a plane crash. His uncle died by a Truck ramming into his Fragile body. His Auntie died to a heart attack from Overwork. And it left Him all alone to fend for himself. Just when he thinks the world has given up on him. It gave him Hope and it gave him a Light. A Light that shine so bright that he swears it brighten up his world. And just like that, he too will be become a symbol of Hope and a beacon of Light that people can rely on even if he has to suffer for the greater good. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ A/N: Hey Author here. I just want to say this idea popped up in my head in the spur of the moment in a shower while watching Oshi No Ko. I also didn't cry like a little bitch when watching the first episode, it was just the water from the shower dripping. P.S: English is my second language. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________All Rights Reserved