26 parts Complete Tom is a rude, disrespectful and obnoxious person. Well that was what they thought. Tom was known to be a dangerous man that showed no mercy. He walked around with guns ready for anything. People didn't understand how someone like him could take care of his brother Bill. Bill is just 14 years old and gets involved in things he shouldn't. Bill never knew about Tom's "life." So he didn't understand the it was dangerous to get involved in things that Tom was doing. Tom tried his best to keep Bill safe, but he couldn't keep Bill hostage in their apartment forever. When Bill finally got to come with Tom and his friends, Georg and Gustav, Bill found out the truth behind Tom. He started feeling a bit scared and confused with the whole "Tom situation." So he ends up trusting a guy named Emmerich, this Emmerich becomes Bill's "friend." Bill trust him right away and ran away to Emmerich's place. Tom and Emmerich hates each other. Tom gets worried, because he doesn't trust Emmerich at all. Tom loses his temper and everything just goes downhill. Emmerich won't give up so it ends up in a fight between Emmerich's group and Tom's gang.