In the heart of Canada, a formidable team of superheroes known as "The Visionaries" stands as the first line of defense against any threats to the planet. Comprised of four extraordinary heroes, each endowed with unique powers, they have dedicated their lives to protecting humanity from evildoers.
One fateful day, Klein and his Team sensed a disturbance in the fabric of reality, foreseeing a looming threat to Canada. He immediately contacted his fellow Visionaries, urging them to assemble. Klein had discovered that a nefarious villain named Argus was plotting to unleash chaos upon the nation.
Argus, with his terrifying power to summon and control monstrous creatures, posed a dire threat that could devastate cities and endanger countless lives. Understanding the gravity of the situation, The Visionaries knew they had to act swiftly and decisively.
United by their unwavering resolve and trust in one another, Klein, Grace, Ezra, and Mia prepared for the impending battle. As they set out to confront Argus, their combined powers and unbreakable bond would be tested like never before. The fate of Canada and potentially the entire Earth hung in the balance as The Visionaries embarked on their most challenging mission yet.
The Visionaries.
After the four heroes died centuries ago, they were reborn as Klein, Mia, Ezra, and Grace, with their original souls intact. Their current mission is to defeat the old witch, adipolymia, and save both Earth and Planet Xesteria.