There is a young, soon to rise Empress. Her mother who is a brutal and lethal Dictater who loves the idea of having full power over all of her citizens and having most or all the wealth if she can manage.
One day, when the Empress eventually rises to power, sweeping changes were made in laws, national anthem, salutes, flags, and and anything else that evil that is in assosiation with the previous, dangerous, evil, and ruthless dictatorship of her imperial mother.
One day, while the new Empress was at a meeting, she spotted a man she had never seen before. He was another nation leader, and she fell in love with him the second they locked eyes. Now she wants to get to know him, but eventually other women have taken an intrest in him and try to get him as well. The young Empress is now struggling to have him and he seems to be slipping away from her. Will she get the man of her dreams? Or will he slip away completly, never to be hers? Will another woman have him? There is particular woman the Nation has taken an intrest in, but the Empress has connections and knows certain poeple, so she wants to pull some strings to get that man. But will her plan fail? Or will she happily marry?
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)