Two friends goofing around in the 'True Crime' and 'Paranormal' world sharing their worst nightmares not only with each other but also the world. At least the ones that watch them and their content.
With years of saying the same things and being mocked about it, they have come to a point where they might have become a little cozy with the fear - only assuming that it is highly unlikely to come true or is it, until one day, or shall I say night.
The night Ryan Bergara was in the comfort of his home in his warm bed and not at any haunted location where his senses are always heightened. Home is always the safe space, until it isn't and for Ryan Bergara one of his worst nightmares seem to come true.
But things are amplified when his best mate comes along and happens to realize the fear he had wasn't a making of his irrational mind, not anymore because now he saw it happening. At least listened to what had happened making his crawl and his heart palpate.
It's creepy for Ryan to face his worst nightmare but creepier to see the 'Long Legs Madej' go pale with fear. Someone who he's always sought comfort in during terrifying situations now has their own battles to fight.