What if Bella never jumped off her cliff? What if Edward never saw her die? What if he never came back?
My heart pounded, Laurent would kill me. I would become one of them. I spun around at the sound of a low growl, my eyes were greeted by five wolves, great big wolves. I turned back at the sound of a high pitched cackle, Victoria.
"Never fear, you will be one of us. I must avenge my mate," she cackled.
"You're wrong," I gasped, "Edward left. He's gone."
"A perfectly awful lie! But lord do you smell good," she breathed.
My life didn't exactly swim before my eyes, just HIM. Every moment I had spent with HIM. A sixth sense told me that Victoria was behind me. I heard Laurent scream. Maybe the wolves had got him. I twisted on the floor. Yes, he lay mangled and broken. Victoria growled, a low, throaty growl and I felt her teeth sink into my neck.
"Edward..." I breathed.
Hi, my name is Bella Swan. This is my story.
Meet Maddeline Swan and her older sister Isabella Swan. They were the best of friends, always getting hit on Bella protected her little sister at all cost. Maddeline was Bella's whole life and vise versa. Those were the good times....
In the beginning of 2005, Bella decided to leave Phoenix to go to Forks, Washington with her father for her mother's sake. Maddeline, told her to stay, that maybe they could work out something else, but she wouldn't listen. Both being stubborn, they wouldn't budge, causing a full fledged argument. By the end of the argument, Bella had been leaving Phoenix in tears both the girls regretting their choice of words. That was many years ago.......
Now, Renee and Phil are dead from a supposed 'car crash' and Maddie, she's stuck in an orphanage where she gets abused everyday. While that is happening, Bella is living with her husband and daughter. What happens when Maddie finally has enough and runs away? What will happen when Bella and her cross paths?
Join Maddeline on her journey to her home and maybe even....... Love?
*[DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters except my OC's and that's it, everything else goes to Stephanie Meyer]