In a world ravaged by a deadly fungal outbreak, Travis Foster, a skilled farmer and survivalist, sets out on a harrowing journey to find his son, Isaiah, who had been living in the city for college when the infection spread. Along the way, Travis encounters Audrey Mitchell, a determined medical student fighting to survive on her own. Together, they form an alliance and search for a safer place to stay.
Their quest leads them to Fortitude Refuge, a survivor camp that becomes their temporary haven. However, internal conflicts threaten to tear the camp apart, and Travis, Isaiah, and Audrey must mediate and promote unity among its members, founding the Sons of Liberty.
Driven by hope and a desire for a better future, they expand their alliance, encountering other survivor camps and offering aid to those in need. As they face external threats, including the fanatical "Illusionists" and ruthless raiders known as "The Reckoners," their unity is put to the ultimate test.
As whispers of a mysterious group called "The Redeemers" emerge, a prelude teaser hints at a new challenge on the horizon. Shadows of redemption and echoes of their journey guide them towards a brighter tomorrow as they face moral dilemmas, confront their pasts, and fight for a world where compassion, unity, and hope prevail over darkness.
In Light's Descent, join Travis, Isaiah, Audrey, and the diverse cast of survivors as they navigate a treacherous post-apocalyptic landscape, battling the Infected and their own inner demons in their quest for redemption and a chance to rebuild a world that was once lost to the shadows.
Walls, Masks and Plaid Shirts (Book One of the 'Plaid Shirts' series)
27 parts Complete Mature
27 parts
Stiles knows, he knows what they think of him, what they say behind his back, he knows that they don't need him.
The pack don't mean to, they just don't see it before it's gone to far. Can they save stiles from falling into the bottomless pit they have helped life dig for him.
For story with all corrections please go to my profile ShadowBL on Archive of Our Own.
Pack consists of the following:
Derek - Alpha (werewolf)
Scott - Beta (werewolf)
Isaac - Beta (werewolf)
Boyd - Beta (werewolf)
Erica - Beta (werewolf)
Jackson - Beta (kanima (learnt how to control it himself))
Lydia - Beta (banshee)
Allison - Beta (human/hunter)
Cora - Beta (werewolf)
Peter - Beta (werewolf)
Stiles - Pack mom figure (human)
Book one of the 'Plaid shirts' series
Trigger warnings:
Implied suicidal thoughts, implied depressive thoughts/depression, anxiety, panic attacks, current self harm, past self harm, toucher, bulling.
If any of this may trigger you, even a little bit please do not read this Story, I want all reader to be safe and het the most out of this story, some, chapters are going to be more triggering than others but please read with discretion.