Denki Kaminari, a poor soul who has never been able to think or do for himself like a normal person. A mess of clay for his mother to mold and control within her clasp, setting him to do as she would his age. Denki had to stay quiet and listen to his mother while being an pathetic emotionless doll who needed to fake his emotions and keep other people happy, himself? She didn't care, Denki had to keep up with everything like grades, his popularity and beauty status and even his image others had of him. He was fed lies throughout his childhood, and god forbid Denki was an out cast. He was fat if he couldn't fit in clothes based for people younger then him like his mother could at his age. If denki had spots or ache? He was called lazy and claimed that he didn't look after himself despite the fact he had a crazy face and body routine every night before bed thanks to her. people were cruel, and his mother? Was just as fucked up. 15 years later was when he finally took back some control of his life, learning how to express himself and deal with the back fire of what he got from the outing. It was hard at first, and Denki generally hoped that his suffering would come to an end. But that was nothing more then a sick lie on his end. His mother and father divorced not much after his 16th, his father then became ill ridden and his mother restricted of care with Denki. He didn't have anywhere else to go, apart from the homeless shelter and towards that? An orphanage he remembered living in for a few months when he was younger, it was odd but at least now he was himself. And the only thing he has with him? Some clothes including a random hoodie he found when cleaning out his room. A purple stained one with teeth holes in the sleeves and slight string unloose around the neck parting. And just like that? school started all over again, high school in a completely new place was obviously weird but maybe friends would help make his miserable life? not so miserable.All Rights Reserved