Du ziehst in eine neue Stadt und triffst kurz darauf eine Band die dir danach nicht aus dem Kopf geht vorallem eine person..
#tokiohotel Platz 1 am 23.12.2023 erreicht
1. Who are you now? (Tokio Hotel -Tom Kaulitz fanfiction)
27 parts Complete
27 parts
Josefine had a crappy situation at hand; what if you fall in love with your best friend? what if he loves you back? But if you're both too scared to give it a go...? What can Jo do when her best friend may be getting all he deserved and worked so hard to get?
Will there be heartache in success?
Set before the band took off and meant to end at a sort-of-present time.
*Followed by book 2 "Are you still mine?" and book 3 "Can you hear me calling?"*
Available in Spanish at my profile and Italian at @translatorITA 's profile.