Season Plot: 2 years had past since the events of Godzilla: Hotlines S2 has taken place and Godzilla hasn't been spotted in those past 2 years. However, as Project JJ and Project Kiryu are up and running, a new kaiju, who is named by the locals as Gabara is attacking the ASI Facilities where Project Kiryu had been. When Godzilla returns and new monsters pop up such as Rodan, the Fire Demon! The entire world is at stakes once more and it's up to Dr. Ishiro Serizawa to put an end to Godzilla and by any means! And he's got the perfect weapon for it. Is Godzilla strong enough to beat Project Kiryu or will he fall and lose the title once more to an old foe? Episode Plot: In this final part of the season! Godzilla fights Mechagodzilla who's being controlled by the spirits of Hedorah! While these two great beast fight one more time, Dr. Ishiro Serizawa and the others try to exist the infested ASI, which was swarmed by Matangos! Moments after Mechagodzilla escaped on it's own!All Rights Reserved
1 part