In the bustling world of Pokémon, a new story unfolds-one that follows the unconventional path of (Y/N), a nonbinary trainer hailing from the Galar region. Eager to challenge norms and set off on their own unique journey, (Y/N) arrives in Kanto with a brilliant Shiny Rookidee named Rookie as their steadfast partner.
As (Y/N) explores the Kanto region, they forge new bonds, encounter familiar faces, and uncover the secrets behind Shiny Pokémon. However, their journey takes an unexpected twist when they cross paths with Team Rocket, the infamous group of cunning and enigmatic trainers. Drawn by the allure of rare shinies, (Y/N) embarks on a double life, straddling the line between Team Rocket member and dedicated Shiny Pokémon trainer.
Guided by their convictions and driven by a desire to make a difference, (Y/N) must navigate the intricate web of Team Rocket's schemes while remaining true to their own values. With each stolen Pokémon and each daring mission, (Y/N) finds themselves entangled in a world of shadows, mysteries, and unexpected friendships. Yet, as their journey unfolds, (Y/N) discovers that their actions have far-reaching consequences, and they must decide where their true loyalties lie.
"Gleam of Mischief: A Shiny Team Rocket Adventure" is a tale of choices, alliances, and the transformative power of friendship. Join (Y/N) on a riveting journey that blurs the lines between hero and villain, where the glint of a Shiny Pokémon serves as a beacon of hope in a world filled with shadows.
-Self-insert Reader
-Reader will be referred to as non-binary ((They/Them) pronouns)
-Reader is 13 in this story
Fanfic inspired by a fanfic called: "Your Team Rocket Adventure!" By Pals4Ever
NOTE: This book NO LONGER belongs to me, I'm giving this book to my friend to write on using MY account. This book and it's writing will now belong to my friend who wants to be known here as Asterie!
Cover art NOT by me, will add a new drawn one in the fu
In the vast and perilous world of One Piece, where the seas are teeming with pirates, marines, and untold mysteries, a young man is given a second chance at life. Reincarnated into this fantastical universe, he discovers he possesses a unique and powerful "Copy Talent System," an ability that allows him to copy the talents and skills of others including devil fruits!!
Advanced 15 Chapters :