Estella Cromwell was born of high status within society. And due to tragically losing her parents in a shipwreck, she became the adoptive daughter of close family friend, Weatherby Swann, at the young age of nine. Six years older than a three year old Elizabeth at the time, Estella quickly became an adored older sister figure. In trying to stop Commodore James Norrington from resigning after surviving his horrific mistake at sea...- and failing -... she loyally follows him to Tortuga as he lets his life fall apart. The ever prideful and stubborn Norrington pushes her away, an attempt to no longer subject her to the danger he had previously put her in. To no avail, James reluctantly accepts Estella's tender love and care. And despite being reunited with his ex-fiance within Jack Sparrow's crew, James only has the butterflies and wobbly sea-legs for his devoted companion,...- and fights the feelings just as mush as Estella herself. ✵ALL LEGAL RIGHTS ARE OWNED BY DISNEY✵