The story follows the life of Hiyoshi Hakuto, a 26-year-old man who dedicates his days to working various jobs to afford the medications his disabled mother requires. However, his life takes an unforeseen turn when he loses his life in a traffic accident while rescuing a group of high school students from being hit by a truck. After his death, Hakuto is reincarnated in a fantasy world as a baby named Zeref Greyrat. He retains all of his memories and experiences from his previous life, giving him a unique advantage in this new world. Determined to make the most of his second chance at life, he resolves not to waste it and embraces his new circumstances. As Zeref grows up in this fantasy world, he realizes that magic and swordsmanship are common skills. With knowledge from his previous life, he learns magic from an early age and proves to be an exceptionally talented mage. He is raised by his new parents, Paul and Zenith Greyrat, who are supportive and loving. Soon after, another sibling named Rudeus is born, and both of them get along well. However, suspicions arise as Zeref senses something different from his brother, as though he was an anomaly just like him in this world. Both him and his brother Rudeus set off on a journey to explore the world, they hone their magical abilities and uncover secrets about their past and the mysteries of the fantasy world they now inhabit. They encounter dangerous foes, participate in battles, and face the consequences of their actions. Along the way, Zeref strives to learn and heal from the traumas of his past, aiming to become a better person and ultimately seeking happiness and fulfillment in his new life.
4 parts