Its never wise to mess with the dead. Thats should be something everyone knows. But of course young teens and cocky nonbelievers always love to push their luck. Pixie is a well experienced tarot card reader that's had a connection to the other side her whole life. She talks to spirits like they're old friends. So when she gets invited to a joke seance she doesn't want to go, until she's told who they're going to try and summon. None of the big name demons or even Satan himself. A lesser known, highly responsive demon who watched over her when she was young and taught her all she knows. And they want to trap and torment him. She's not about to let that happen. (I'm a tarot reader myself and used my own deck to pull the cards used in this. It's a Tarot/Oracle deck, so the suits and numbers have meaning, but not as much as the energy they give off based on the depiction on the card and the various meanings it has. I hope this somewhat clarifies some points I made)All Rights Reserved
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