In the captivating fanfiction "Shimmering Bonds," readers are transported into a vivid world where dreams come true and Pokémon roam freely. Set during the nostalgic era of Pokémon Season 1, the story follows the extraordinary journey of Jack, a 10-year-old Pokémon enthusiast who finds himself mysteriously transported to the familiar town of Pallet.
In this enthralling tale, Jack's path intertwines with that of the iconic Ash Ketchum, as he embarks on an unforgettable adventure to become a Pokémon Master. But destiny has something else in store for him. When Jack selflessly saves a rare and enchanting shiny female Ralts and a majestic shiny Latias from the clutches of Team Rocket, he forms an unbreakable bond with the two extraordinary Pokémon.
As Jack, Ralts, and Latias navigate the breathtaking landscapes and face thrilling challenges of the Kanto region, they forge deep connections that transcend the boundaries of species. Ralts, touched by Jack's courage and kindness, begins to develop feelings for her devoted trainer, while Latias is captivated by his unwavering determination and unwavering spirit.
However, their journey takes an unexpected turn when they uncover Team Rocket's sinister plot to capture a legendary Pokémon. Jack, Ralts, and Latias find themselves in a race against time, striving to protect both the legendary Pokémon and their own cherished bonds.
"Shimmering Bonds: A Tale of Friendship and Adventure" is a heartwarming and action-packed fanfiction that explores the power of friendship, love, and bravery. With its seamless blend of nostalgia, captivating characters, and thrilling escapades, this story is sure to captivate fans of Pokémon and leave them eagerly turning pages, yearning to join Jack on his extraordinary quest.
هُنا في تلك المدرسة لا يتم التعلم كما في باقي المدارس لانها في الصباح مدرسة طبيعيه جداً يتم تدريسك بها ولكن... هناك بعد مُنتصف الليل يتم تعليمك.. كيفية ممارسة الجنسِ او بمعني اخر ~كيف تُصبحين عاهرة؟ ~ امم هل اُكمل؟ لا ساترككم لتعرفوا باقي الاحداث في الروايه~
تلك الرواية لا تمد للواقع بصلة وكل احداثها غير حقيقية انما فقط احداث من وحي الخيال وسيكون هناك نوعاََ ما مشاهد +18 ورُبما لا تجوز لبعض القارئيين، لذا من فضلُك اذا لم تكن تحب هذا النوع من الروايات فقط تجاوزها لستُ مسؤلة ان دخلت ولم تعجبك احداث الرواية لا تجوز لمن في عمر قليل.
عدد البرتات غير معروف بعد والتنزيل ربما يكون كُل اسبوع
اي تشابُه في الافكار او في الروايه هي مُجرد صدفه لا اكثر وانا لا اسرق اي كلمه من اي كاتبه اخري
مُشاهدة مُمتعه~