Blurred lights. The smell of blood. Xue Yang found himself reborn as the son of billionaires Xue YanFang owner of several hospitals and a business selling medical supplies and Cheng HuaLin owner of an international business consoling service. He discovered other than having trouble with coordination and trouble controlling his vocal cords when is his first months, he had the same name, looks and all his past memories were intact including his knowledge, though his lover, the only reason he wanted to be alive; was not there with him. Naturally he was known as the child genius of the Xue family and skipped 7 grades despite being in international school. In the last months of high school, he along with a few of his friends got an invitation from one of America's top schools, best known for its biochemistry course, educations course, economics course; and of course, the reason they decided on this school in the end, sophisticated dorms. Though Xue Yang had friends who cared for him. Life wasn't bad at all, at least compared to his last. Still, Xue Yang's heart felt empty; it's like everyday his body made sure he wouldn't forget the reason he wanted to be put onto this earth again, not that he could forget it even without the feeling.
"...hopefully, when the stars align again in another life, we'll be rejoined by fate."
The characters Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen are creations of Mo Xiang Tong Xiu.