Sienna and Isabella, two teenage sisters, have spent their lives enduring the harsh reality of an abusive father figure, Gabriel. His cruel behavior has left permanent scars on their hearts, and they yearn for an escape from the constant torment. Little do they know that their lives are about to take an unexpected turn.
In a twist of fate, Sienna and Isabella cross paths with the Sons of Germany, a notorious group consisting of Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer, and Gorge Listing - four of the most powerful boys in Germany. Though their families have dark and dangerous ties, the boys claim to be on the "good side."
At first, Sienna and Isabella are wary of the boys, knowing the reputation associated with their families. However, as they spend more time together, a unique connection begins to form. The girls slowly see through the boys' tough exterior and witness their true colors. What was once judgment turns into admiration.
Unbeknownst to Sienna and Isabella, the Sons of Germany have ulterior motives. They see an opportunity to exploit the girls' connection to Gabriel, who owes their family a substantial amount of money. The Boys, known for their devious ways, use Sienna and Isabella as a tool to get closer to Gabriel and reclaim what is owed to them.
As Sienna and Isabella become closer to the boys, their lives become entangled in a complex web of lies, danger, and manipulation. The girls find themselves torn between loyalty to their abusive father figure and their growing attachment to the Sons of Germany. Secrets are unveiled, trust is tested, and choices must be made.
Sienna, with her unwavering determination, begins to question the true intentions of the Boys. She realizes that there is more to the story than what meets the eye. As the plot thickens, the girls discover the Boys' true nature - dirty, little, liars. They never intended to help Sienna and Isabella; instead, they sought to use them as pawns in their pursuit of justice.