Get ready for a head-on collision of intellects in "Crossing Paths of Elite Minds: A Classroom of the Elite x Oregairu Crossover." The story unfolds in bustling Tokyo, where two prestigious schools-ANHS and Soubu High-unexpectedly converge. ANHS, a hub for the brightest minds, thrives on fierce competition and grooming future elites. In contrast, Soubu High is renowned for its offbeat aura and a quirky service club led by the Yukino Yukinoshota When the government steps in, Director Tsukishiro faces a challenge: foster connections between ANHS and other schools. What better than a special exam to ignite interaction, testing academic brilliance and teamwork? As ANHS students step into Soubu's territory, alliances form and rivalries ignite. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, ANHS's enigmatic analyst, shares an unspoken understanding with Hachiman, Soubu's cynical mastermind. Director Tsukishiro's announcement kicks off a rollercoaster ride. In a world where ANHS's ambition meets Soubu's wisdom, friendships arise in unexpected corners, and sparks fly amid differences. From logical study sessions to revealing heart-to-hearts, "Crossing Paths of Elite Minds" delves into young prodigies navigating exams, relationships, and growth. Brace for a journey where sharp minds converge, worlds collide, and alliances rewrite the rules. Will ANHS's pursuit of excellence align with Soubu's introspection? Discover as destinies intertwine and intellects clash in this captivating crossover.
4 parts