In the distant reaches of the universe, on a planet called Cybertron, an epic war has raged for eons. Cybertron, once a peaceful world inhabited by sentient machines known as Transformers, became a battleground as two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons, engaged in a fierce conflict for control.
The war had its origins in a profound tragedy. The Allspark, a powerful artifact that gave life to the Transformers, was believed to have been lost to the pull of space. Both the Autobots and the Decepticons coveted its immense power, as they believed it held the key to their survival and dominance.
Driven by their divergent ideologies, the Autobots fought to protect the innocent and preserve peace, while the Decepticons sought to establish their own rule, fueled by a thirst for power and control. Their battles ravaged Cybertron's once-pristine landscapes, leaving scars upon the surface of the planet and its inhabitants.
Now the war has moved here to Earth....and both sides are so much closer to the Allspark than they realise. What will happen? Find out....
Second Book in the Hidden Spark on Earth
'Beware the man with the scar on his face. He will be your greatest enemy.'
Unicron may have been vanquished, but danger has not disappeared yet. In fact, a new danger is growing for Saphira, and the autobots. One who is keeping a close eye on her, waiting to strike. While Optimus and Megatron remain content to fight each other, it soon becomes evident their war no longer matters.
For within Saphira grows the hope that the two mechs will finally settle their past so they can do what is right by her. Especially when Optimus learns that Saphira has feelings for Megatron just as she has feelings for him. By Primus's will, he and Megatron are put into situations where they must trust each other to ensure Saphira's safety. And learn to accept they both can love Saphira, and she can love both of them.
Especially when Mech sees fit to try and rip the very thing that they are all fighting to protect. Decepticons and autobots, when either side no longer matters, and the very existence of the Cybertronians hang in the balance, the wrath of both mechs will be felt far and wide.