In a modern setting of 2015, we follow the story of Ali, a young adult who is juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet. Her mother, Linda, runs a struggling independent bookstore that is on the verge of closing down due to overwhelming debts to a loan shark named Ricky, Determined to save her mother's business, Ali embarks on a journey to find a solution.
While searching for options, Ali crosses paths with Ted, a flirtatious, con-artist with a mysterious past. Drawn to his bad boy personality, Ali finds herself captivated by Ted's talent and charm As they spend more time together, an unexpected romance blossoms between them, adding a new layer of complexity to their mission.
Realizing that they need a significant amount of money to save the bookstore, Ali and Ted devise a daring plan. They embark on a cross-country adventure, to complete the Biggest heist of all time to get the funds needed to keep Linda's store afloat and maybe even con some extra cash along the way, their bond deepens, and they discover hidden depths within themselves and each other.
This romantic drama takes audiences on a rollercoaster journey filled with emotional twists and turns. As Ali and Ted face various challenges, they also confront their own fears, insecurities, and past experiences. Their connection serves as a guiding light, inspiring them to persevere and find strength within themselves.
As much of a blessing is my beauty is to me, it changed everything when I met a gangster who fell head over heels after our first meeting...
**Explicit Content
**Boys Love
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