What happens when Delirious really is delirious? And now Evan must help his best friend no matter what, even if it means being partners in a deep dark crime. But can they turn into something more?
Follow the blood, down the hall
Down the drain, careful, don't fall
Follow the blood, follow the trail
Don't be seen, or else you'll fail
Follow the blood, don't make a sound
You'll be heard, you'll be found
Follow the blood, peek through the door
The blood that drips, fills the floor
Follow the blood, you see it now
The shattered glass, the broken vow
Follow the blood, see the blue
Covered in red, he sees you too
Follow the blood, remember his face
Go and run, through the maze
Follow the blood, don't listen to the cries
Don't listen to the laughs, not even the lies
Follow the blood, don't turn around
Or else in his eyes, you would've drowned
Follow the blood, to your death
It won't hurt, don't you fret
Follow the blood, forget all the pain
Don't try to escape, you'll anger the sane
Follow the blood, you're at the end
At last your destiny, you cannot amend
Follow the blood, blood is good
Now there's a pool of it, where you stood
Follow the blood, go back to the start
Now he'll always have, your beating heart
Follow the blood, Follow the blood
Follow the blood, Follow the blood!