Frank is a hopelessly short, hopelessly desperate, and just generally hopeless highschooler, whose only friend is the amazingly tall kid with the 'fro: Ray Toro. School is mundane, school is just, well, school: Lindsey Ballato is a goddess, Pete Wentz is a MySpace whore, and Brendon Urie totally deserved getting kicked in the balls last summer, but then Mikey fucking Way turns up and before Frank knows it he's over at the Way household and swooning over an unfairly hot older brother who has totally just made out with an overly casual Lindsey Ballato.
And that's not even to mention Gerard's past and sort of ex-boyfriend Bert McCracken who he kind of did, kind of didn't leave in the old town he and Mikey just moved from, but what is for sure is that Gerard Way can't help but stare at Mikey's sort of best friend, Frank, just a little too much.
But Gerard is older and sort of world's away from Frank's league: he's like Lindsey Ballato - unobtainable and godly, and most definitely a member of the elite sex club that Frank reckons Lindsey's involved in.
And this elite club of people who've seen Gerard Way naked? Let's say, Frank Iero wants in... to Gerard's pants. However Mikey thinks that it's less of a club and more of a support group.
"It's not easy living a double life!"
"Dude, you're not Hannah Montana."
Frank had always figured that it was pretty cliche that he was an Italian resident of New Jersey. He also figured it was cliche to be those things on top of being a member of the Left Hand Men, AKA one of the most dangerous mafias in the country.
Gerard is an all-business type of person, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Well, as long as no one finds out that his "business affairs" all have to do with being a key member of the Quiet, or the craziest mob in the northeastern region of the United States.
It's hard to live such a dangerous life, and when two members of rival groups fall in love, the things that happen to them and those around them are inevitable.
-This is a somewhat slow-moving story.
-There is some violent/graphic content. I have the mature setting activated because of this.